Development and penta-metric evaluation of a virtual interview simulator


The virtual reality interview training system (VRITS) can provide a manageable training approach for candidates who tend to be very ner-vous during interviews; yet, the major anxiety stimulating elements remain unknown. By developing the VRITS and analyzing people’s anxiety levels with an orthogonal experiment, we investigated five factors. Results indicate that Type Of Interview Questions plays a major role in the interviewee’s anxiety. Secondly, Level Of Realism and Preparation both have some degree of influence. Lastly, Interrogator’s Attitude and Timed Or Untimed Answers have little to no impact. This work contributes towards cues for designing future VRITS.

2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, 917-918
Yuyang WANG
Yuyang WANG
Postdoc Fellow

Chair Professor